Rendre la Diffusion Vidéo Plus Verte : Trois Temps Forts du Mois

Accueil / Blog / Rendre la Diffusion Vidéo Plus Verte : Trois Temps Forts du Mois

September was a busy month for us in terms of sustainability. That’s a topic we care about: our corporate color is green and so are the solutions we propose, as we strive to make video delivery greener. And it’s all the more fitting given that September saw the European Sustainable Development Week.

Here are the three green highlights of the month for us:

1. Joining Forces: Greening of Streaming

On September 9th our Chief Strategy Officer, Rémi Beaudouin, spoke at the launch event of Greening of Streaming on how to balance the quality of experience with profitability and sustainability.

We were quite excited about this, because Greening of Streaming is a new initative that addresses an important concern: the energy impact of the streaming sector, and how to reduce it. So we decided to join this initiative and are now Founder Members.

The aim is to join forces to share what we learn and to learn from others, so that we can all help each other reduce the impact of video on the planet.

2. Sharing Knowledge: Going Green

In that same spirit of sharing best practices, we also published a white paper on the same topic. It’s called:

Going Green : How to Reduce the Carbon Footpring of Streaming & Service Providers

Ce livre blanc distille une richesse de connaissances de différentes personnes de l’entreprise. Si vous voulez rendre votre streaming ou votre diffusion plus verts, ce livre est pour vous. Mais même si votre principale préoccupation est simplement de réduire vos coûts avec une technologie plus efficace et moins énergivore, vous y trouverez votre intérêt.

3. Célébration : Green Delivery

Nous avons une autre raison de nous réjouir car notre solution Green Delivery – notre solution de bout en bout écoénergétique pour diffuser des vidéos de manière durable sur n’importe quelle plate-forme – a remporté un prix CSI en tant que « Meilleure solution de traitement vidéo numérique ».

We couldn’t be more thrilled by this recognition from a well-known and respected industry publication!

But what makes us really happy is that companies are starting to adopt these energy-saving solutions. More than any award, that’s what will really make a difference to the world we live in.

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