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L’innovation étant au cœur de ses activités, Ateme a à cœur de vous apporter les dernières évolutions technologiques, issues directement de ses équipes R&D internes.

Téléchargez nos derniers livres blancs et fiches techniques pour en savoir plus sur les tendances du secteur et les technologies vidéo.

Livres blancs


Learn how PILOT Manager, our comprehensive orchestration, management, and monitoring optimizes video delivery with …

ott-success end to end whitepaper Livres blancs

OTT Success with Ateme End-to-end

To effectively reach diverse consumers, content providers must ensure accessibility across various devices, …

pilot media next generation workflow orchestration Livres blancs

PILOT Media, Next-Generation Workflow Orchestration

Discover how PILOT Media transforms media workflows with unmatched efficiency, agility, and cost-effectiveness. …

titan edge the professional IRD Livres blancs


Ateme TITAN Edge is a high-performance Professional IRD (Integrated Receiver Decoder) solution that offers …

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6 Ways to Maximize SSAI Revenue

In today’s streaming world, content and service providers are challenged with fierce competition, both …

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SSAI Benefits for Streaming Stakeholders

There’s more and more talk of targeted advertising. But what’s behind all that hype? Why and how can targeted …

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What’s Blocking Low Latency? Strategies for Removing the Final Barriers

You’re watching a major soccer final live streamed to your main screen when your neighbors cheer for a goal 40 …

fan engagement Livres blancs

How to Leverage 5G to Unleash the Power of Your Video Streaming Offer

Understanding the power and versatility of 5G is crucial to success. 5G is not simply a new dumb pipe or a simple …

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Going Green: How to Reduce the Carbon Footprint of Streaming & Service Providers

There is growing concern over how video streaming contributes to global warming.

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