A few words from VidTrans 2014

Accueil / Blog / A few words from VidTrans 2014

by Gustavo Marra, Director of Applications Engineering Americas

Hello everybody!

In the last week of February we had the Vidtrans 2014, the annual conference and exhibition organized by the Video Service Forum (VSF), which ATEME is a proud member. This year event was held in Washington DC, the beautiful (and cold!) capital of the US.

Gustavo Marra speaking at VidTrans 2014Once again, we had the chance to be a speaker in the event. It was particularly exciting for me, since there was one year since the last time I presented at a VSF event. In the meantime, other Colleagues from ATEME had the chance to speak for this audience about a variety of topics.

My presentation was about an application for the SCI (Seamless Channel Insertion) tool we have available in our CM5000 contribution encoder. The goal was to share an idea on how broadcasters could save money by optimizing the use of Primary Distribution feeds. The white paper about this concept can be downloaded here

Besides the presentation, the show was also a great opportunity to catch up with friends from the industry and have some interesting conversations in between the sessions and during the lunch and get together events organized by VSF.
I hope to see everybody again in the next VSF Meeting.

Gustavo Marra
