Cable Operator, CTH Public Company Ltd., Now Able to Reach Audiences Across Thailand with Premium and Sports Content Using TITAN Software Platform

SINGAPORE (Broadcast Asia 2013, Booth# 5A2-01) – June 17, 2013 – ATEME, a global leader in advanced video compression solutions for the broadcast industry, announced today that Asia Broadcasting Television Company, Ltd. (ABtv), a Thailand-registered company focusing on the satellite distribution of media content, has chosen ATEME’s TITAN Live to provide CTH Public Company Limited (CTH) with premium and sports content broadcasting services throughout Thailand.

News Facts:
ABtv, founded in 2003, is the first operator to provide multi-channel television program services to cable operators through satellite distribution, using ABS-1 (C-Band) and NSS6 (Ku-Band). Its core business is to aggregate premium TV programs from content providers and broadcast them throughout the country on behalf of cable operators.

ABtv selected ATEME’s TITAN Live for its exceptional video quality for premium content and sporting events.

CTH, previously known for its cable service that already reaches 2.5 million subscribers, is now able to deliver coverage via satellite for cities and rural areas that its cable service could not previously reach; CTH plans to add hundreds of thousands of new subscribers as a result.

CTH will commercially launch its new service in mid-June which includes a wealth of premium domestic and international content, and in particular the popular English Premier League football 2013-15 seasons.

To provide this Direct to Home (DTH) delivery platform, which features 120 SD and 30 HD channels, ABtv purchased one fully loaded TITAN Live chassis.

This is the first instance of TITAN in a digital broadcast by satellite, demonstrating the willingness of operators to adopt a software/IP based integrated platform in place of the traditional hardware/SDI architecture.

Supporting Quotes:
Chirasak Sriwirom, Managing Director, ABtv :

“We were looking for a solution that would provide our customers with an efficient transcoding platform for mass throughput. ATEME’s TITAN Live provided us with the technology to do just that. We are pleased to offer our operators a future-proof solution that is known for its bandwidth efficiency and exceptional video quality for premium and live content.”

Emmanuel Boureau, Vice President of Sales, ATEME :

“ABtv’s decision to integrate the TITAN platform into its go-to-market strategy indicates a definitive shift in the industry to adopt software based and IP-centric architectures for video head-ends. We are thrilled to be able to deliver a solution that not only brings premium content to customers such as CTH, but also to the thousands of home viewers across Thailand.”

About ATEME:
ATEME is a world leading provider of HEVC / H.265, MPEG-4 / H.264 and MPEG-2 bandwidth efficient compression technology. ATEME encoding solutions are deployed widely for broadcast contribution links, distribution, multi-screen live streaming, OTT and VOD applications. More information is available at