
Accueil / Governance

Our community

We care about our ecosystem

Promoting responsible business practices

We are dedicated to sustainable and ethical business practices

  • Training our employees on cybersecurity policies to protect our business, our customers, and our partners. 
  • Business ethics are introduced from the induction program of new employees as a key corporate value and success factor. Trust, empathy, and respect are the foundation for developing long-term, mutually beneficial relationships among the teams internally, as well as with our shareholders, our business partners and suppliers, and obviously our customers. Our people are made aware of the importance of anti-corruption and confidentiality. 
  • Training purchasing teams on sustainable procurement.

To meet its commitment, Ateme appointed its COO to: 

  • Monitor and drive the implementation of the CSR Agenda
  • Report to the Executive Committee on the CSR results
  • Ensure the achievement of the CSR objectives stated above. 

CSR Governance

Ateme believes that a corporate social responsibility approach must be supported by strong governance, carried by the company’s highest management bodies, and be fully integrated into the company’s overall strategy.  

Thus, at the core of Ateme, the CSR Executive Committee is responsible for defining Ateme’s strategic CSR priorities, as well as deploying the related roadmap, based on the most significant issues shared by our stakeholders. It is also the role of the CEO and CFO to inform the Board of Directors. 

In addition, the CSR Committee of the Board of Directors is the guarantor of responsible governance. Its mission is to review, make recommendations, and validate Ateme’s CSR progress, ensuring that it is aligned with Ateme’s CSR strategy. This Committee operates in coordination with the Board of Directors and all other relevant Board Committees. 
